Frank and beans!

We've got a boy!

We had our "big ultrasound" on Thursday and found out the good news. We were afraid that the baby wouldn't cooperate and we wouldn't be able to tell the sex, however our son is not ashamed to show off what God gave him. The tech put the paddle to my belly and bam, there was the penis. He measured a bit big, at 10 ounces. I could see on the screen that some of the measurements put me at 20 weeks, even though I'm only 18'ish. They still wouldn't change my due date and are just going to say that he is big. Ok. Above all, we are just so thankful that he appears healthy and normal w/ no genetic abnormalities. Because of this, we have chosen not do to the amnio. Too much risk for us.

Here are the pics of our little guy:

This is the pic that confirms he's a boy. Those are his two legs and his little member.

Here's a head shot

Cute foot

Another head shot