Moving on

Well, it took me some time to be able to write all that I'm going to write, but we are not pregnant. They can't guarantee implantation, we knew going in our chance for success was just 50%. In spite of my best efforts, I was still hopeful. When we found out our little one survived the thaw and they transferred him successfully, and he was with me, I didn't see how we could fail. He was so strong to have survived the thaw, he was safe and secure inside me. I couldn't save him. Maybe I was too stressed leading up to it? I had a really bad headache two days after the transfer, maybe my body took all it could but didn't have enough left over to nurture the baby. It was a big disappointment. Four months we struggled through this only to come up empty handed. Four months of doctors appointments, medication, money, shots with needles so big it would cause a grown man to cower, prayers, hopes, dreams, stress, the list goes on. I tried to keep myself grounded and kept reminding myself that nothing was guaranteed. I didn't quite convince myself that we wouldn't end up pregnant. I'm doing better about what happened lately. Coming to some kind of peace. Although this, along with a few other things, has me questioning my belief in God. I can't understand how two people like Mark and I could be denied from having a larger family. Mark is a dad who is 1000% plugged in. I couldn't have asked for a better father for my child. Here we sit and struggle while other people who could care less about their kids, or who are lost to addiction pop out baby after baby. It hurts my heart. I don't understand how this could be 'God's plan'. There's always an answer. If your prayers aren't answered, it's God's plan, if they are, that shows just how powerful prayer can be! How can you have it both ways? I'm struggling with this, not sure where I'll end up. It does feel good to question though. I was raised catholic by a very devout catholic mother, so I never really questioned anything until now. Getting back to infertility stuff. We have a follow up with our doctor coming up soon. I want to get his opinion on sperm donation. Mark is not a fan of this option, but I'm curious. Maybe he'll tell us that we are at the end of the road and that can be the nail on this coffin. Adoption or sperm donation seem to be our last two options. I don't see how we can afford adoption and since Mark is against sperm donation it does seem like this is the end. I've signed up to go to a support group. I need support. This has been a hard road to travel alone.