Life is good

My friend Daniele has unknowingly inspired me to update my blog, finally!

It struck me this morning while emptying the dishwasher, of all things! that life is good. There are the obvious reasons, great baby, home over our heads, Mark has a good paying job that allows me to stay home with said baby, we are healthy, we have good family and friends, etc. Underneath all this, though, lies a wonderful marriage. Without that, all the other stuff wouldn't mean a thing. I have it so good with such a loving, giving man that I am just in awe that I lucked out the way I did. It's just wild to think, given that I was alone and miserable not just five years ago, that I have all that I ever dreamed of and more. Crazy how life turns out that way. I always felt that the universe owed me some big debt given that I had a bit of a rough childhood, and it has paid off! I could go on and on...

And the cherry on this sundae? Matteo. My tater tot. He is such the second love of my life. The love runs so deep that I couldn't even enjoy my favorite place on earth, Vegas! My new favorite place on earth is right beside my boy. I'm so very thankful that I can stay at home with him. I get to watch him grow, learn new things and nurture him myself instead of leaving that up to someone else. He makes me laugh everyday. Putting into words what he means to me is not possible. He puts life into a better perspective.

Yah, life is good.


  • Tr. Noga | October 17, 2009 at 7:55 PM


    I just wanted to let you know how inspiring your story is. I am 29 years old with a Robertsonian translocation of 13/14. I have had 3 miscarriages in the last year. We just went to a fertility specialist to talk about IVF and GPD and for now have decided that it's too invasive. The miscarriages are awful and the loss is great but it seems, and your story confirms this that the IVF route isn't exactly any better--in fact it seems way more stressful and straining. Enjoy your son. He looks beautiful.