Thanksgiving in March

I realize that up until now, all I've given you is a sob story. Poor me, poor Mark, right?
Well, I wanted to take some time to count my blessings, because I am blessed.

First and foremost I have a loving, supportive, appreciative husband who does more for me than I ever thought I deserved prior to meeting him. He provides for me, listens to me, laughs at and with me, sees and accepts me for who I am (and doesn't want to run in the other direction). He understands me, he thinks I'm beautiful and above all, loves me and tells me so all the time.

Secondly, I have a great immediate and extended family. My mother, who has been my one and only source of support for many years and pretty much raised me on her own, has been my biggest cheerleader and the one who feels my pain as if it were her own. She's the best.
I have a big big big family on my mom's side with 11 aunts and uncles and 52 first cousins, most of whom live in Iowa. I have my family in Colorado that mean very much to me and have made me feel like I'm a part of something bigger instead of feeling like an only child.
I just became a part of a new family as well. Mark's family is wonderful, I couldn't have asked for a better family to come into. I joke that even if Mark and I didn't get along, I would have had to have married him anyway, just for his family. :D

C. I have good friends who are able to make me laugh when I most need it, bring me back to earth when necessary, and are just good, solid people who I need more than they might know.

Lastly, there's everything else:
  • I have mental health (although some days are certainly better than others)
  • I have a roof over my head
  • I have food to eat
  • I can shop for clothes and do so whenever I need and/or want them
  • I have a dependable, and new car
  • I'm healthy
  • We have a really cute dog, who drives us crazy but will prove to be worth it someday
  • I have a job, and Mark has a better job
  • There are countless other things I could list off here, but these are the most important, so I won't bore you with those.
So, there you have it, I'm blessed. I try to acknowledge and remember these things each time I get to feeling down about not being able to have a baby.


  • Anonymous | March 15, 2008 at 1:53 PM

    And now you have a fantastic haircut, too! Don't stop believin' lady!

  • Gadde Fly | March 15, 2008 at 6:21 PM

    I'm really enjoying your blog! (And It's especially good that both of you are writing here.) We will all be so happy when that first child arrives! The kid's waiting for the love to be at its maximum, no doubt. So keep busy makin' love!

  • Anonymous | March 16, 2008 at 12:23 PM

    My dearest Kristi and Mark, I am so proud of you. It takes alot of courage to share your feelings and to share with us your painful journey. This will help both of you to heal. My heart grieves for you. When I see a woman pregnant or see a family, my heart aches for you. I agree with you, Bad things happen to Good people. Why I don't know, I think it is called "Life" and there are so many things that we will never understand. It isn't easy but Time can and does heal. Trust me I know. You are a good person, always remember that. You said you have spent all of your Hope. I understand. But I have alot of hope that I want to give you to fill you up again. And Mark, I remember one of the things that your mom, Carol, has continually said with assurance in the midst of all of this pain and disappoingment "they will have their baby some day, that I am sure of". So, I am speaking for Carol and Larry, Laura and Kenny and Kiley and Kennady, as well as your family and friends - they too will give you their hope to fill you. Take it and hold on tight to it. I agree with Carol, I don't know how, but I believe with all of my heart that some day you will be holding, loving and caring for your precious babies. Hold onto your Blessings, they are many, they will help you get through the trials of your life. I am so thankful for the precious gift that you and Mark are to each other, and to me, not all couples have that. Hold on tight to each other, be patient with each other and your your Love will continue to grow. I love you, Mom (Mavis)

  • Anonymous | March 24, 2008 at 12:45 PM

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