What the what?

Wow.  What a whirlwind week we've had with regards to IVF.  It seems we are a go starting on my next cycle.  We just got that decided for us yesterday.  However, instead of a normal fresh embryo transfer that takes no time, we are in for the long haul.  A four month ordeal and a frozen embryo transfer.  In order to test our embryos for Trisomy 13 and 14 they need to freeze the babes as it will take 7 days for the test results to come back.  That's too long a window for our little ones to hang out in a test tube for.  I was having issues with the standard IVF procedure as it was and now my anxiety has skyrocketed.  Four months seems an eternity to be going through IVF.  I really really wanted a fresh transfer.  I guess in the back of my mind I'm thinking this isn't going to work and to go through four months of this to fail seems huge.  Such a commitment on so many levels.  Part of me has contemplated giving up.  Can I put my all into four months with no outcome, am I that strong?

So many questions, so many doubts, so many what if's.  It overwhelms across the board.  I know we need to do this, so we will but I still have my reservations.  I'm still not sure where they are coming from or why they are here, but here they are regardless.  I guess if this fails we have our sweet Matteo and that will be good enough for us, that is the road we were meant to travel.  This whole thing is so far out of my control by this point.  Maybe that's my glitch.  Loss of control.  I don't like knowing this is now seeming next to impossible for us to conceive on our own.  The last three years have been overly hopeful in this department.  Maybe I need to grieve the fact that, left on our own, we most likely will not conceive.  It's a loss.  Loss of control, loss of hope, loss of chance, loss of independence, loss of spontaneity.

There are little signs here and there that have given me hope in the last few weeks, but I feel myself trying not to get too excited.  I guess with our history of miscarriage after IVF and a failed FET, that's understandable.  But, it feels like my doubt is separate from those events.    I know I want another child.  This is something that I've always known.  So, we have to try.  We can't not try.  I guess I have another four months to grieve this new loss and become a beacon of hope and positivity.


  • Lisa | March 4, 2012 at 5:33 PM

    You have so many more choices in your life today than you did before. There is FET and IVF, and there is still adoption if all else fails. It seems, there is no wrong option, just which one happens first. This is a good thing! It seems a baby is on your way, we just don't know which path it will take to get to you! Side note, I am a half sibling and didn't even realize it in my mind until I was 12. My sisters and I love each other with the same parts of out heart regardles of not being 100% biological.

  • kwishes | March 5, 2012 at 6:51 AM

    Thanks Lisa. You know we're getting a huge discount on this IFV cycle and we'll cross the bridge of FET if we have any embryos leftover, but this is probably our last attempt at a child due to finances and emotional crap. I think I'm ok with that. It will be great closure and I'll be able to stop knowing we did what we could. Part of the reason I'm struggling right now is because maybe we are just destined to have Matteo. Maybe it's ok to have an only child. But then I see a cute baby and it all goes out the window.
    As much as I wanted a large family, now that I have a small one I think I could adjust. We don't have much control, and I'm really trying to let go and let God. Whatever will be will be. Que sera sera. : )