
Just a few thoughts of the day:

I'm sitting here mindlessly surfing and I stumbled upon a story of a mother who posted a picture of her deceased baby on facebook only to have it taken down by facebook.  They later apologized and reposed the pic after everyone was outraged by the action.  Anyway, just got me to thinking about our baby situation.  I really am thankful for what I have in life.  So thankful in fact that I feel bad wanting more.  I feel selfish.  We haven't had to deal with sickness, health problems, death.  Am I inviting these if we have another child?  I know how lucky we are compared to some and I just can't help but feel that I should be satisfied with what I have, and I am, but.....
I want another child.  I want to be normal and when I want a baby, I wish it could be just as easy as making that decision.
Instead I have to make the decision to be ok with just one child.  It hurts me to think of Matteo being as lonely as I was as an only child.  I'm still lonely as an only child.  I feel left out, I feel separated.  I know that his experience will differ from mine, but just the thought that maybe it won't pains me.

I've kind of had a defeatist attitude about this whole IVF process.  But now that we have one embryo, a boy, it's not just up to us or the doctors now, it's up to him.  How can I discount the fight he has within him?  I hate to be too optimistic in case of failure, but how can I think he will do anything else but fight?

Blah.  I'm not sure if I've made any sense.  Can't go back to reread, I'm too emotional right now.  Just wanted to get some thoughts out there.


  • Kristin | June 4, 2012 at 10:22 PM

    Ohhhh, you are singing my song! I am so with you, and can totally respect what you are going through. I hope things are a bit easier now - and wish you peace through this transition. We just decided to have an only, after over 5 years of trying for a sibling for our 6 year old daughter. Still stings a bit, but it's getting easier.
    AND YES, your are totally on the VIP list . . ;)
    Kristin xo

  • kwishes | June 5, 2012 at 8:40 AM

    Thanks so much! I'm still struggling. It's a battle of head vs. heart. I know it will be ok no matter the outcome, but it may take a while to feel ok.

    I really hate this club we belong to. Infertility sucks. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy yet every time a friend or acquaintance winds up pregnant it hurts. Maybe you can pass along some pearls of wisdom : )

    I'm really excited about the summer of color. I hope I can do it!

  • Kristin | June 8, 2012 at 9:29 AM

    I totally get it! Going to another baby shower tomorrow . . . but I think the only thing is TIME and maybe a bit of acceptance on my part too ;)
    Lovely to meet you, and I hope to see you get your hands messy this Summer too! xoxo