To clarify...

Remember when I said I believed we are having a boy?

Here's why I think that:
In February of 2007, in a moment of sheer desperation, I contacted a psychic to see when or if we would have a baby. Judge me if you will, but remember, at this point I was at my wits end with trying to have a baby. Yes, finding out month after month that I had failed to conceive had driven me to contact a psychic. All the information I had to give her was my name and any previous pregnancies.

For the low, low price of $6, this is what she told me: "I am seeing MARCH and BOY.. so this is either birth month, conceive month or the month you find out in. I am also seeing you with two girls after, and they are either EXTREMELY close in age, or TWINS."

Well, since I got this message in Feb., I assumed the next month was our month. In March of 2007 we had our second unsuccessful insemination (IUI). The psychic was wrong, maybe.

She did predict twin girls though, which we would, of course, go on to miscarry. C'mon though, that's a pretty good coincidence, how common are twins??

So, here it was March 2008, and I had just found out I was pregnant. I remembered MARCH and BOY. It's silly, I know, but that's why I'm thinking we're having a boy. Plus picking one and sticking with it makes it easier to talk about, saying him instead of it or him/her.

Mark already thinks I'm nuts for believing in any of this, so I'm already getting flack from him, ad nauseam, so no need to join in! He is saying it will be a girl just to spite me.

P.S. Six bucks is not a lot to pay for a little bit of hope, which it turns out, is exactly what I needed at the time.