One small step for man...

One giant leap for Toffoli-kind. Another successful appointment today!! And a great pic of baby Toffoli to boot! Today was the first trimester screening, to test for the possible chances of Down Syndrome.

In other words: "The scan is carried out at 11-13 weeks pregnancy and assesses the amount of fluid behind the neck of the fetus - also known as 'the nuchal translucency'. Babies at risk of Down tend to have a higher amount of fluid around the neck. The scan may also help confirm both the accuracy of the pregnancy dates and the fetal viability. Its high definition imaging may also detect other less common chromosomal abnormalities."

The doctor we met with was great! I think we intrigued him with our situation and it felt like he was going to take us under his wing. He seems very well informed of genetic/chromosome abnormalities, so we feel like we're in safe and knowledgeable hands. From the ultrasound he said things look good so far. They also took some blood work and we will get the results of our risk back in about a week.

We got to see our little one moving around, he was doing summersaults, turning around and such. The heart rate was 164 bpm, which is right on track and awesome. And now we have a pic that looks like a baby instead of a blob :D We'll go back in six weeks for the "big" ultrasound, to find out the sex and continue to make sure baby is doing well.