Not too good at this

But I can try. I just thought if I blogged a little each day I could ease into this a bit better.

I'm having a bit of a rough day, so this is a great day to start writing. It's to do with the baby blues. I want to sit down and have a talk with Mark about having another baby, whether it be through adoption or IVF. I can't ignore this need any longer, we need to do something about it. His concern is money. I understand that, these are expensive ways to go about having a child. However, we go into debt each year as it is, why not go into debt for a great reason? Why not get something out of our money rather than just a credit card bill. I'm feeling pretty hopeless that it will not happen again for us naturally. I'm going to turn 37 this year and that is starting to frighten me. If we're going to act, maybe we need to act soon! Especially if we do chose adoption.
My main drive right now is to give Matteo a sibling. It's been so incredibly lonely for me being an only child. Not so much as a kid when I was surrounded by cousins, but more so now because those cousins seemed to have migrated back to their families of origin. I don't want this for Matteo. And I know that's not to say his experience will mirror mine, but I just believe there is so much to be had from a relationship with a sibling(s).
Added to this is the fact that I just want to be like most people. They want another baby, boom, they got it. It's been three long years of trying since Matteo. I'm done waiting. I can't take it anymore, I need to become proactive. Hopefully I can get Mark on the baby train!